Freestyle contest criteria
Please read carefully the contest criteria and guidelines. We gave a lot of attention to the details giving the pilots a lot of benefit. If you have any question feel free to call us.
You can also use Yaron Koriat or Adi Kochav messenger App.
Contest Guidelines
These are the Contest Guidelines
The contest must be sanctioned by the AeroClub of Israel
The contest must be run in accordance with the current AMA rulebook for Scale Aerobatic events and the ACI. Waivers as approved by the AMA or IMAC Board are allowed
Deviations and Waivers must be published in advance. The preferred method is as part of the sanction. If deviations are not included in the sanction, they must be included in and published in the contest flyer or included in the details for the contest. The contest flyer must be readily available on the internet and in local media. However, in no case should any deviation or waiver be published less than 30 days prior to the date of the event.
Entry is only open to current AMA or FAI or ACI members or similar sanctioning bodies and is preserved to only IMAC members
The contest will use the published rule book of the current year located on the IMAC website.
Adjustments required due to inclement weather or other conditions beyond the control of the CD are authorized. Prior to any adjustments, CD coordination with the respective Regional Director ACI or IMAC manager is encouraged.
Contests offering these types of events may use the designation of "IMAC-Style" event, in which case it must be included in the advertisement of the event. Such “IMAC-Style” events will not be counted for Regional Championship points accumulation.
The following safety guidelines will be in addition to, and a complement to, the current AMA and the FAI and ACI safety rules.
IMAC requires that all CD's review the safety rules of the host club at every pilot meeting. Emphasis should be placed on the fact that these rules apply not only during the contest but after hours as well.
Further, it is IMAC's position that any flying performed by scale aerobatic model airplanes, during, or after event hours must occur on the Flight Line side of the deadline established by the CD.
Additionally, no flying should be allowed above, in, or through the pit area, whether a simple pass, torque rolling or any other intentional maneuver.
IMAC further believes that any failure to comply with either AMA, FAI or ACI safety rules or the Host Club safety rules should result in the offending pilot's immediate disqualification from the sanctioned event. With respect to the trend of dangerous 3D or Freestyle maneuvers being performed by scale aerobatic planes, IMAC, in the strongest possible terms, does not, and will not, tolerate, condone or endorse maneuvers performed with large scale aerobatic planes such as, but not limited to: hand launching, tail touches of the ground, touching the model while in flight, hovering (or flying) directly over the pilot or other spectators, or any flying at any time on the spectator side of the deadline (as described in the AMA Membership Manual). It is IMAC's firm position that these types of maneuvers exceed the margin of safety necessary for large scale aerobatic flight operations by a wide margin and are exceptionally dangerous. It is also IMAC's firm position that, in the performance of these types of maneuvers, the slightest mechanical or system failure leaves no margin for error and can lead to severe bodily injury or death. IMAC will, in no way, be a party to, or endorse these types of dangerous stunts.
Beyond safety, the conduct of IMAC competitors, friends and family at any IMAC event must be a serious concern of all participants and of the CD who is running the event. IMAC’s reputation is at stake but equally important is the need to recognize that we are guests at the fields we fly at and that we must maintain a level of behavior that makes us “good” guests. Guests who will be welcomed back again next year
In this regard common sense must prevail, both on the part of the contestants and any people they may bring with them to an IMAC event. CDs, for their part, must confront anyone, contestant, friend, family member or spectator, who displays a lack of common sense at any time during the IMAC event.
The CD is charged directly by the ACI to ensure the AMA or FAI or ACI Safety Regulations are followed. The ACI and AMA or FAI Safety Regulations are included as part of the AMA’s or ACI or FAI Membership Manual which is available via free download on the ACI website –